Alumni and Friends

Mariam Kutalia

Mariam Kutalia

Ministry of Correction and Legal Assistance of Georgia 

Guram Tavartkilade Teaching University – The place, where I grew up as a professional and developed as an independent person. This is the university, where I felt myself home right from the start. Amicability of academic staff, rectors and each of the personnel towards students, well-furnished infrastructure, high quality education focused on practical training, lectures and sessions, workshops held in terms of international programs - all these make the Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching University valuable and competitive all over Georgia.  

I am happy to have been an excellent bachelor student of this university and a scholarship winner of Guram Tavartkiladze’s scholarship for four years. I was even assisted for my first employment by the university. At present, I am proud and glad to continue my master’s degree at the GTTU.  


A Minister of Education of Georgia opened university library and practical laboratories

14 June 2011
On June 14, 2011 a new library building, criminology and TV-radio labs were opened at Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching University.

The university library has been functioning since the foundation of the university, but with the initiative of the university leaders it has built cozy and convenient library building equipped with modern technologies, free internet and computers. The opening of the new library was marked by Minister of Education of Georgia Dimitri Shashkin’s visit to the university.

The Minister visited the new library building, built according to the modern standards, reading and conference rooms.

The library will serve about 1200 students. After library building Dimitri Shashkin visited the new laboratory at the faculty of Criminal Justice, where the students will be able to learn the criminal techniques, TV-lab studio, where future journalists took the first improvised interview from minister.

Dimitri Shashkin noted that Ministry of Education will support the initiative of the educational institutions – take care not only to improve the curriculum, but also to create a modern teaching infrastructure.

The existence of such high standard library and laboratories where there are all conditions for students to become highly skilled professionals is very important for Georgia.