Alumni and Friends

Elene Margalitashvili

Elene Margalitashvili

TV MTAVARI - journalist


Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching University is the best choice what I have done in my life!

This is the place where you have been noticed, a place where you become a better person, a place that seemed to be far away at first, and then it becomes even the most familiar. No matter where I will study, which university name should be added to my biography, whenever a question is asked to me  I will answer with great pride , warmth and love that I studied in Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching University  on the Faculty of Social Sciences! 


Meeting with Future Perspective

19 March 2013

On March 19, 2013 the students of Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching University, The Faculty of Journalism met Mr.Levan Kipiani, Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs of Georgia.

The m minister was much impressed with material and technical resources of the university. As for the meeting itself, the minister started with telling the students interesting facts and episodes from his biography work and sport life. Besides he talked about future plans and projects of the ministry.

Mr. Levan Kipiani stressed the importance of right state policy and strategy in physical culture and sport development. He also mentioned that Youth policy includes all sectors.

The problems facing the youth in this country can’t be solved only by one sector. It can only be achieved with the joint efforts of local self government, youth organizations, civil society, private sector and international organizations.

Minister’s speech was followed by the questions from the student’s side. Mr. Levan Kipiani’s answers were grounded and reasonable.

The meeting put the basis for future cooperation between GTTU students and Ministry. Mr. Levan Kipiani promised to arrange a special meeting for enthusiastic and creative students in the nearest future.