Alumni and Friends

Elene Margalitashvili

Elene Margalitashvili

TV MTAVARI - journalist


Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching University is the best choice what I have done in my life!

This is the place where you have been noticed, a place where you become a better person, a place that seemed to be far away at first, and then it becomes even the most familiar. No matter where I will study, which university name should be added to my biography, whenever a question is asked to me  I will answer with great pride , warmth and love that I studied in Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching University  on the Faculty of Social Sciences! 


Meeting with Guram Dochanashvili

22 November 2011

On November 22, 2011 the students of Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching University met one of the greatest modern Georgian writers Guram Dochanashvili. University Conference Hall was crowded with interested listeners...

The meeting with the writer became very warm, sincere, interesting and original.

There were many questions... The questions were about his past years and different periods of life the Present Days and parallels of the past, Kanudos – The Liberty City, Future Visions, the creative muse, The Modern writing and about the new generation.

The writer was answering..... He answered honestly, with the warmth of the father and in a simple way. Love, kindness, courageous, battle against evil, Strive for freedom – these are the topics on which discussion continued for a long time. However the appeal about that, the young people in general should read more and love each other was the Leitmotiv of this meeting.

“Love Spins the Earth” ......