Alumni and Friends

Mariam Kutalia

Mariam Kutalia

Ministry of Correction and Legal Assistance of Georgia 

Guram Tavartkilade Teaching University – The place, where I grew up as a professional and developed as an independent person. This is the university, where I felt myself home right from the start. Amicability of academic staff, rectors and each of the personnel towards students, well-furnished infrastructure, high quality education focused on practical training, lectures and sessions, workshops held in terms of international programs - all these make the Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching University valuable and competitive all over Georgia.  

I am happy to have been an excellent bachelor student of this university and a scholarship winner of Guram Tavartkiladze’s scholarship for four years. I was even assisted for my first employment by the university. At present, I am proud and glad to continue my master’s degree at the GTTU.  


Public Lecture for Future Lawyers

30 May 2011
Professor of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and Kiel University Lado Chanturia visited Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching University on May 30, 2011. Mr. Chanturia arrived from Germany for a few days and delivered a public lecture about Civil Code. The lecture was attended by first and second year students and the lecturers of the faculty of law.

Before beginning of public lecture, Professor Giorgi Matiashvili, Rector of the University, talked about Lado Chanturia’s biography and his merits in development and establishment of Civil Law. Professor Shengeli Pitskhelauri, dean of the faculty of law, thanked guest for his visit.

Professor Lado Chanturia presented the book “Law and Justice in Post-Soviet Epoch” (published by his authorship) to the library of Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching University. In the introductory part of the lecture Mr. Lado spoke about Georgian Law and explained what difference is between English-American and Continental European law (Georgian Law belongs to the second one).

During the lecture he spoke about the importance of Roman law and the necessity of law. At the end of the lecture Mr. Lado discussed Georgian Civil Code and spoke about the amendments that had been made to the Code.

After the lecture the meeting continued in question and answer format.