
Representatives of student self-government met with Tbilisi Mayor

20 February 2019

Yesterday, on February 19, representatives of students’ self-government met with Tbilisi Mayor Kakha Kaladze.

According to Tbilisi mayor, "the city municipality spends certain funds in different directions. However, we want to be more effective, and these funds will be spent properly.

We are ready to provide your involvement in all this, to present the projects, which will be interesting for young people, for the development of the city.

The role and involvement of young people is important for me, for the city, for our team, for the government. We see a great potential in young people, a large resource that should be properly used for the benefit of our country. The working meeting was held in dialogue mode.

The meeting was attended by the President of Student Self-Government, Zurab Shanshiashvili of Guram Tavartkiladze Tbilis Teaching University.