Alumni and Friends

Nodar Javakhishvili

Nodar Javakhishvili

PHARM  HOUSE,    Commercial   Director




In 2013 I graduated from Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching University, faculty of Law.

Before I applied I had been thinking for long time which HEI to choose; which university could give me modern education and today I know that I have made right choice.

I really got such kind of education that is the solid baisi for your sussessful career.

With the help of Guram tavartkiladze Taching University I managed to become the students of one of the best universities in the world _ Charles University in Prague and graduated from the faculty of Marketing.

I want to express my deep gratitude towards the staff of Guram Tavatkiladze Teaching University, representatives of the administration, whose contribution in my professional growth was really enormous, I obtained knowledge and faced the challenges of real life.

GTTU is the place which gives you the real possibilities to achieve the goals.

You should not give up and go for your dream, carrying the name of GTTU with dignity.



The students’ scientific conference was ended at the Faculty of Business Administration

5 May 2011
On May 5, 2011 students’ scientific conference was held at the faculty of business administration of GTTU. 50 students participated in the conference; 38 topics were presented at the conference.
The conference was held in four sections:

Section I - prospects of economic development 1st place Salome Kitidze Topic: “the foreign investments developed in Georgia and their role in the economy of Georgia”. 2nd place Ana Endeladze Topic: “economic crisis, its formation reasons and solutions in Georgia”. Nino Gozalishvili Topic: “problem of “millennium” in Georgia”. 3rd place Salome Makharashvili Topic: “Food safety as the main part of national security of Georgia and its importance”. Mariam Bolotashvili Topic: “geometric methods of linear programming problem solution”. George Bekauri and Dali Tsintskiladze Topic: “renewable resources - the energy perspective of Georgia” (Tbilisi state University).

Section II - the role of financial systems in business development 1st place Lasha Pruidze and Tornike Archvadze Topic: “the banking sector, existing problems and reforms in Georgia”. 2nd place Ana Maskharashvili Topic: “pension reform and the prospect of social insurance in Georgia”. Bachana Janjghava and Giga Metreveli, Topic: “free industrial zone of Poti”. 3rd place Nino Kartvelishvili Topic: “property insurance and the perspectives of its improvement in Georgia”. Nino Bekauri Topic: “the World Bank and Georgia”.

Section III - marketing strategy and business management problems 1st place Sopho Aptsiauri and Sopho Shvelidze Topic: “Woman and Business”. 2nd place Ana Lobjanidze and Tatia Kurashvili Topic: “Social networks and business” 3rd place Tsiala Kadagishvili Topic: “Market of Georgian Hazelnut” Nino Zumbadze Topic: “the importance of communication in the management process of organization”.

Section IV- Tourism in the developing world 1st place Mariam Kutalia Report: ‘Tourism for the disabled _ Tourism without barriers’. 2nd place Nana Khurtsilava Report: Tourism and the goals of millennium development. 3rd place Elene Bakuradze Report: Influence of tourism on the health condition of local community.

The winners will participate in scientific conference ‘Private Business in Georgia’. The conference will be held on 13-14 May in Telavi. Its aim is to deepen and strengthen the relations between the youth and the students of different Georgian HEI; To build the solid foundation for future collaboration for the students having common scientific interests.