Alumni and Friends

Nodar Javakhishvili

Nodar Javakhishvili

PHARM  HOUSE,    Commercial   Director




In 2013 I graduated from Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching University, faculty of Law.

Before I applied I had been thinking for long time which HEI to choose; which university could give me modern education and today I know that I have made right choice.

I really got such kind of education that is the solid baisi for your sussessful career.

With the help of Guram tavartkiladze Taching University I managed to become the students of one of the best universities in the world _ Charles University in Prague and graduated from the faculty of Marketing.

I want to express my deep gratitude towards the staff of Guram Tavatkiladze Teaching University, representatives of the administration, whose contribution in my professional growth was really enormous, I obtained knowledge and faced the challenges of real life.

GTTU is the place which gives you the real possibilities to achieve the goals.

You should not give up and go for your dream, carrying the name of GTTU with dignity.



The team

26 May 2012

On May 26, 2012 the hotel “Bazaleti Lake” hosted Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching University Business Administration Faculty students on the final round of Business Olympiad. The team members participating in the final round should present the project of agricultural market.

Before the final round there was the presentation of business idea, signing contracts and the discussion of business case.

Participating groups of the Olympiad worked hard to reach the final round;

The Olympiad had a competent commission: Professors Giorgi Matiashvili (Chairman of the Commission), Lali Chsgelishvili, Amiran Tavartkiladze, Lia Totladze, Davit Vekua, Koba Chagelishvili, Gela Aladashvili, the Chairman of the Partners’ Meeting of Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching University Lia Tavartkiladze and company “IDS Borjomi Georgian” the manager of marketing researches Nona Songhulashvili.

The teams were evaluated by the number of criteria and the highest score was 30 points.

At the same time finalist had to present the hotel “Bazaleti” commercial designed by them.

The final round task was first presented by the group “New Generation”. Mary Kutalia, Beka Koncelidze, Nana Khurtsilava, George Kimeridze, Nunu Khidasheli and Soso Mamniashvili with their presentation and argumentative discussion they try to convince the commission committee in the success of their own business project activities and also they present the relevant arguments.

After that, the group “Creative” presented their thought and work. The speech of Mary Kikabidze, Vakhtang kaghashvilis, Sophie Aptsiauri, Giga metrevelisa and Vasil Dalakishvili in front of the audience were convincing and the presentation was marked by the creative approach to the issue.

The group “Creative "members seemed to have thought of every detail of the project and with their effort and convincingness they try to bring grounded arguments for every small details. By unanimous decision of the Commission members the group “Creative” was considered to be the best with their technical performance, economic argumentation, presentation skills, reality and time management factors. The Captain of the winning team Mariam Kakabadze was awarded personally with transitional prize by Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching University Rector, the chairman of the commission Giorgi Matiashvili. He wished further success to the young students participating in the final round.