Alumni and Friends

Mariam Kutalia

Mariam Kutalia

Ministry of Correction and Legal Assistance of Georgia 

Guram Tavartkilade Teaching University – The place, where I grew up as a professional and developed as an independent person. This is the university, where I felt myself home right from the start. Amicability of academic staff, rectors and each of the personnel towards students, well-furnished infrastructure, high quality education focused on practical training, lectures and sessions, workshops held in terms of international programs - all these make the Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching University valuable and competitive all over Georgia.  

I am happy to have been an excellent bachelor student of this university and a scholarship winner of Guram Tavartkiladze’s scholarship for four years. I was even assisted for my first employment by the university. At present, I am proud and glad to continue my master’s degree at the GTTU.  


Training meeting with professional

25 March 2011
On March 25, 2011the journalism students from the faculty of social sciences of GTTU held another training meeting with their former colleague Vakhtang Kobaidze.

The meeting was very interesting. Vakhtang Kobaidze presented for the future journalists such episodes from his life that includes his professional choice and his professional growth and formation as a specialist. Mr. Kobaidze’s first steps in journalism were connected to the radio. However, he said his true word not only in print media, but also in TV shows.

Mr.Kobaidze basically wrote about art, culture and theatre. He also worked on critical topics and said his word there. However, there were pleasant as well as unpleasant moments in his professional activities. He didn’t forget his first interview from the famous actress Veriko Anjaparidze with her parently warmth and tactfulness. He regrets that could not take an interview from Georgian famous footballer Nodar Akhalkatsi.

Mr. Kobaidze asked his future colleagues to be principal, competent and think constantly about their personal dignity and self-esteem. At the same time, he advised to the young people to care about general education and work a lot for themselves and one more: to serve for their people and country and say only the truth.